“There are only four kinds of people in the world. Those who have been caregivers, those who are currently caregivers, those who will be caregivers , and those who will need a caregiver.”
Rosalyn Carter, Former First Lady of the United States
A Stephen Minister is a caregiver; we listen, we care, we have conversation, we use God’s presence in our caregivers words and actions.
If you would like someone to talk to in your present physical/emotional/spiritually state, please consider contacting St.Anastasia’s Stephen Ministries. We are trained to be one of Rosalyn Carter’s four.
Scott Yonkouski
I wrote this foreword as I became a Stephen Minister this past year. The Stephen Ministry is throughout the U.S., but not every city or church has this ministry. My church is St. Anastasia, in Los Angeles. We were offered this opportunity a couple of years ago, and I took advantage of this act of kindness. It’s amazing how God works, He puts you in a certain place and only in His time!
Most of you know, (or maybe not!), that I was a volunteer at UCLA Ronald Regan Hospital from 2010-covid time, as a supporter for neuro trauma patients, since I had 3 brain tumors, (called Meningioma’s), radiation, seizures, medicine, and PLENTY of help from family, friends, and other supporters. I was a guy who had a little experience in the situations of brain tumor rehab, and support; so why not push my story to others, and maybe be the support that either the patient, and/or their support team might benefit by. I had a very REAL experience of people who needed help in some way, whether it be physical, emotional, or spiritual. It’s funny, when I had surgeries to remove all of these meningioma’s, it humbled me greatly, but nothing humbled me more than trying to help others, and HOPING! Hoping that I MIGHT have some sort of information, a story, a situation, or even a word that could penetrate that word of HELP. What I learned in those situations was turning all of my worries, my sadness, my caregiving skills for these people in need, to God. I think that we all have that direction from Him, we just have to Trust Him, Surrender to Him, Believe in Him, and Receive from Him.
When I at UCLA doing this support, for people that I honestly loved, I always had hope. I learned so much about brain tumors, and especially those that are malignant and have a diagnosis that is not so inviting to the patient and their supporters, to invite the word of God into that hospital room. That was my hope, to invite the Word in, so that some might get their feelings out. It was wonderful. Then covid changed the plan, but yet I didn’t know that… yet. I tried to always be aware of some of the change some of those people engaged with me, and I wondered what do I do now Lord; I was giving whatever wisdom I had to others, and that part of my life is on hold, or as it turned out, ended due to hospital protocol. What is YOUR plan for me, and my path?
Strange how at that time, Stephen Ministries comes to our church. Anything and everything that I received from the hospital as a supporter for others, is being offered again. The path is still there, there just happened to be a little turn that I never noticed before. As a Stephen Minister, what we have learned as a caregiver is that God, is the caregiver. We have big ears, we listen, we try to guide our care receivers to help themselves as we get to know them. Our mission is not to only administer to our parish, or even to Catholics, but to everyone who needs someone to speak to, for all of their needs in their place in that moment. That’s what we try to do; involve God.
If anyone ever needs someone to talk to, someone to walk with them in a difficult moment in their lives, contact us, and know that we are children of God. We are very confidentially intact, and without any judgement. You can contact me on my blog site, listed below, or email stascares@gmail.com
I wish all of you peace in this time,