A Doctor’s Words Can Go a Million Miles
Every day that you’re in the hospital, there’s always at least one question that is at the front of everyone minds. Maybe more to some, but at least one, and to me, that just boiled down to how much can I walk today? When that’s the question, somehow, you have to have an answer. You make it work, “How many times do I walk around the floor?” or “How many times before I stop, and then I’ll keep going”. Little things like that just keep you going.
It really is just a very little idea, but if that’s all that you can bring to the party, well, then it’s o.k. Sometimes that’s all that’s is on a person’s mind. Little ideas can be the only idea running through a person’s mind, if it is the only positive tribute that can bring a good effect.
What has become a singular mode of action, becomes nothing more than that. When the Dr. tells you that this is how you’re going to feel, and you need to concentrate on doing this, then that is what you do. Nothing else matters. There’s no reason to not do it; you’re in the hospital for only a couple of days, so do it, master it, and pass up what the Dr. told you about, go further. With me, this is the second surgery, of the same type of operation. Let’s get real, here, if it’s my time to go, so be it, but I’ll be pushing the limits until my limits can’t hold out anymore.

A Dr. words can go a million miles, in a lot of general directions. Man, when their words offer no other belief patterns, you at least know where their heads is at, you believe what they say is absolutely true, and you follow it to where you can’t go anywhere else. This is, to say the least, the easiest way to follow his directions.
With Dr. Isaac Yang on staff at UCLA, you’re the man. You don’t play around, you say what it is that needs to be said, and then you do what you’re supposed to do, and I respect that more than anything else.
I will see you in a couple of days; in the meantime, I will continue all of the walking, keep myself in nothing but absolute good condition, and also just do nothing but enjoy the atmosphere, the situation where I live, and hopefully just enjoy every little thing that moves around, in a very little space.
One Comment
Michael Castello
Hey Scott we should put and RSS feed on this blog. I did not know you posted another thought. You doctor sounds like he knows his stuff. I just saw a video on a vaccine that attacks brain tumors. Science is offering some great relief. Here is the video is interested: http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/health/2010/10/04/gupta.brain.cancer.vaccine.cnn?hpt=C2